CZ Imaging Institute Tools

The cellular protein dynamin, essential for nutrient uptake and muscle development, assembles into a dynamic helix. | Image by Jenny Hinshaw.
Super-resolution fluorescence image of T cell receptors organized in nano- and micro-scale clusters during activation. | Image by Sabrina Simoncelli.
A dual-color super-resolution image of nuclear pore complexes in the cell, rendered in an artistic view. | Image by Jonas Ries.
The Chan Zuckerberg Institute for Advanced Biological Imaging is developing and supporting technology to push the boundaries of what we can see and measure within cells. Learn more about prototypes of biological imaging tools we’re building.

AreTomo2, a multi-GPU accelerated software package, enables real-time assessment of imaging sample quality and the adjustment of collection parameters as needed. This provides researchers with a new opportunity to assess and increase their sample quality in real-time.
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CryoET Data Portal
The CryoET Data Portal is a cloud-based, open-source portal aimed at driving the development of automated annotations of cryoET datasets. This tool has the potential to shorten data processing time from months or years to weeks.
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GCtfFind is a new application that robustly estimates the contrast transfer function (CTF) of cryoET tilt series and cryoEM micrographs, essential information needed for cryoET subtomogram averaging and cryoEM single-particle reconstruction.
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MotionCor3 is a multi-GPU accelerated program that corrects anisotropic beam-induced sample motion at the single pixel level, suitable for both single particle and tomographic images. MotionCor3 enables motion-corrected images that keep pace with data collection.
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